Our Make Believe Monday Cohort will work together to create learning experiences with the focus of helping students develop their imagination and creativity.
Having fun is a key to helping students delight in learning. The Cohort students will be working together to plan several learning experiences. They will use their creativity and imagination to develop fun and interactive learning experiences that will help to reinforce language arts, science and math skills.
We have included our Move Monday class because being active helps to keep their brains engaged with learning and fuels creativity.
The Cohort will meet weekly on Mondays from 9:45-3 at Ridgewood Church in Minnetonka. September 26th and November 28th will be held at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. (See below for detailed weekly schedule)
We ask that families who sign up to participate in the Make Believe Monday Cohort commit to joining us from 9:45-3 each week. Most Mondays will have a learning experience between 10-noon, we will eat lunch together and then plan for our next learning experience from noon-2:00. From 2-3:00 we will be training together for a 5k we will do in November.
The learning objectives we have for this Cohort:
Build understanding of what it takes to plan and execute an event
Learn how to work with a team
Learn about the importance of planning and preparation
Learn how to evaluate and make changes
Learn how to communicate with others the things they are learning
Build their imagination muscles by having opportunities to be creative
Spark curiosity and give tools for learning independently
Build disciplemaking friendships
September 12th
9-2 Serve at the Golf Fundraiser
September 19th
9:45-noon Make Believe Monday Cohort
Noon-2:00 Fancy Nancy Coloring and Tea Party
2-3:00 Move Monday 5k training
September 26th
10:00-1:00 Mentor Monday Kick-off @ the Arboretum
October 3rd
10-noon All about Bees Learning Experience
Noon-2:00 Make Believe Monday Cohort
2-3:00 Move Monday 5k training
October 10th
10-noon Mentor Monday
Noon-2:00 Make Believe Monday Cohort
2-3:00 Move Monday 5k training
October 17th
Stay @ Home week- No Cohort this week. (See the rhythm of rest blog post to learn more)
October 24th
10-noon Lego Masters Learning Experience
Noon-2:00 Make Believe Monday Cohort
2-3:00 Move Monday 5k training
October 31st
10-noon Costume Party Learning Experience
Noon-2:00 Make Believe Monday Cohort
2-3:00 Move Monday 5k training
November 7th
10-noon MacGyver Monday Learning Experience
Noon-2:00 Make Believe Monday Cohort
2-3:00 Move Monday 5k training
November 14th
10-noon Mentor Monday
Noon-2:00 Make Believe Monday Cohort
2-3:00 Move Monday Friend-Chip 5k
November 21st
Stay @ Home week- No Cohort this week.
November 28th
11:00 Pokemon @ the Arboretum
December 5th
10-3 Make Believe Monday Cohort
December 12th
10-noon Mentor Monday
Noon-3:00 Make Believe Monday Cohort
Make Believe Monday Cohort FAQ's
If my child is registered for the Make Believe Monday Cohort, do I need to register for the learning experiences on Mondays?
No, by registering for the Make Believe Monday Cohort, you are committing to participating each Monday from 9:45-3 with all the Arrow Kids learning experiences. Your family will automatically be added to the registration for any Monday learning experience.
If we are registered for the Make Believe Monday Cohort, do I need to register for learning experiences offered on other days of the week?
Yes, by registering for the Make Believe Monday Cohort you are only committing to joining us on Mondays. If you want to join us for another cohort or learning experience, you would need to register for those separately. If you have more than one student or plan to participate in more than one cohort or a number of the learning experiences, we recommend considering one of our memberships. By choosing to make a monthly donation to our ministry you will be able to register for our learning experiences for free. The number of free registrations is determined by the membership you purchase. You can learn more about our memberships here.
If I have a younger child who will be with us, do I need to register them for the Cohort?
Yes, please be sure to register all of your students. We need to know who will be attending with you each Monday. During the time that we are preparing for the future learning experiences, we will have a space available for younger students to play or rest. All of the learning experiences will have activities for younger students to participate in.
How much does it cost for my students to participate in the Make Believe Monday Cohort?
We ask for students kindergarten and older for a $100 donation to participate in the Make Believe Monday Cohort. For toddlers, we ask for a $15 donation to cover some of the expenses for the learning experiences they will participate in. Adults and infants can register for free.