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Wow. Thanks! We are thrilled to call you a friend, too!

In this free "registered" friends only section we're going to share ways to walk with your Cadre Missionaries as friends and comrades in disciplemaking friendships. Hang on for important updates as key pages for this section become "unhidden" and available to interact with us in a mutual community of friendship. Two ways to start connecting with us as friends is to join us in reading through the Bible and then jumping in as a Haver who wrestles disciplemaking insights as we read and share with each other what we're learning.
Bible Reading FRIENDS - Connect with our current reading plan to join us in getting to Know God better, together.
Haver FRIENDS - Connect with our closed facebook groups where we can interact together about what were learning as we read the Bible together, Learn from Jesus, and wrestle what we're learning about disciplemaking friendships.
Coming soon:
Praying FRIENDS…
FRIENDS who multiply…
DLC (Disciplemaking Learning Community) FRIENDS…

Cadre Missionaries

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