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Bill Allison
Mar 14, 20202 min read
Binge Disciplemaking?
Because of the Coronavirus, it looks like we’ll all be a little more sequestered for the time being. And if you’re like most people,...

Bill Allison
Aug 14, 20191 min read
What are you doing THIS FALL to encourage and equip volunteers and students in your ministry?
What are you doing THIS FALL to encourage and equip volunteers and students in your ministry?Note: I didn’t ask if you are organizing...

Bill Allison
Nov 12, 20182 min read
Are You Aware of Jesus’ Disciplemaking Secret Sauce?
Because of your history with CadreBlog, we want to honor and thank you in a special way. You are among the very first to hear about...

Bill Allison
Apr 24, 201818 min read
The Top Ten Missions Trip LAND MINES
The fact is that there are a lot of mission trip land mines buried just beneath the surface…

Bill Allison
Aug 1, 20172 min read
The high cost of NOT training volunteers
I finish preaching at a church and I am invited to attend a Sunday school class. Since one of the great passions of my life is to see...

Bill Allison
Oct 18, 20161 min read
Middle schoolers lead the way in disciplemaking
So often in middle school ministry, we don’t get much beyond games and general early adolescent craziness. Why? I contend it’s because we...
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