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God is Using You

Cadre Blog Friends: We were super encouraged by this note from the impact of one of our Disciplemaking Learning Communities… this one just happens to be inside of a prison.


Dave & Rennie,

I wanted to take a couple of minutes to share with you one way you have impacted “K” inside of Muskegon Correctional.

When I was in the prison fellowship library yesterday . . . standing in the doorway getting ready to leave I had a brief conversation with K. and G. about a new, prospective volunteer.  I was talking about a concern I had over a slight theological difference.

K. spoke of and said something like . . . “You don’t have to worry about that Chip.  It’s like Dave & Rennie teach us, we just look to what it says in the Word”.  He pointed to the library bookshelves and said “We have all these books with a lot of peoples views and opinions . . . but we need to look at God’s Word and what it says in the Bible.”  That’s where we get our truth.

Something like that, you kind of had to be there but it was obvious that you guys have strengthened his commitment to the truth of God’s Word and the value of going to the Bible as the one and only authority.

The fact that you impact K. is HUGE as I believe he is the one most influential believer on our prison compound.

I love you guys and your willingness to be used of God inside of prison walls.


(Prison Fellowship and a Disciplemaking friend).


Who will you walk with as a Disciplemaking friend today?

I’m so glad that for Rennie and I that includes life with K., G., and Chip!


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