Our Creative Writing Cohort is designed to help even the most reluctant of writer's find confidence in crafting and telling a story.
We will be helping students to discover the stories that are just waiting for them to share. We have tools to help students who struggle with writing, grammar, and spelling to help them find success in telling their stories. Our goal is to help them enjoy the process of writing and creating their own story.
Students will be working on completing a fiction writing project. At the beginning of the year we will work with each student to determine what length and genre of book will be the best fit for your student.
We are offering 3 tracks and each will have different goals. Below are some of the goals for each track:
Elementary Cohort:
How to create a plot line
How to make sure you get the information across you want to get across
Learn how to edit and receive feedback from other people about your story
Create a young reader or picture book length story complete and ready for publication by the end of the year
Middle School Cohort
How to create a plot line
How to develop characters
Learn how to edit and receive feedback from other people about your story
How to publish a book
Create a 10,000 to 40,000 word novelette complete and ready for publication by the end of the year
High School Cohort
How to create a plot line
How to develop characters
How to manage your time and handle writer's block
Learn how to edit and receive feedback from other people about your story
How to publish a book
Create a 40,000+ word novel compete and ready for publication by the end of the year
Along with their fiction writing project, our middle school and high school track students will be working on a non-fiction research writing project over the course of the year.
To see the High School Sylabus, click here.
Students will receive a journal to help them develop as a writer. They will have access to our online google classroom and SeeSaw community. These resources are an opportunity for students to connect throughout the week to share their writing and find support in developing their writing. Students in the Creative Writing Cohort are invited to join our Thursday Inklings Community for young writers, but are not required to participate. This zoom community is a chance for students to share their writing and encourage other students who are also developing as young writers. Registration for the Inklings Community is included in your registration for the Creative Writing Cohort. Learn more about our Inkling Community here.
To participate in our Creative Writing Cohort, please fill out the cohort application. After the application is completed, we will schedule an interview. The purpose of the interview is to discuss the track that will be the best fit for your student(s).
We will meet September 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th
October 7th, 14th, & 28th
November 4th & 11th
December 2nd, 9th (Extended, Noon-3:00) & 16th
January 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th
February 10th, 17th & 24th
March 3rd, 10th, 17th & 31st
April 7th, 14th (Extended, Noon-3:00), & 28th
May 5th and 12th
Because of the Arrow Kids Maker's Market will be not meet on November 18th.
We will not meet April 21st due to the Lego Masters Learning Experience
October 21st, November 25th, February 3rd, and March 24th we will not meet in person but will meet via Zoom. These dates are part of our rest week, you can learn more about why we plan regular rest time in our schedule in this blog post.