Grow, Minister & Lead! Ebook Chapter—read & study edition.
Chapter 5: Sharpen My Ministry AxeDo you ever feel like you are working harder in your volunteer ministry with less impact? Do you ever feel like you lack the training to function effectively in your volunteer ministry? Would you like to know where to find some good training—especially designed for BUSY volunteers in the church? If you answered yes, you will want to read & wrestle, “Sharpening Your Ministry Axe.”
You'll explore...
* 3 powerful passages of Scripture about community and accountability
* 5 roadblocks to community and accountability
* 6 characteristics of a disciplemaking friend
* 4 steps to finding great community and safe accountability
* Plus much more!
Here are disciplemaking adventures for following Jesus together!
Each of these disciplemaking adventures includes application pages that will help you wrestle the Scriptures together. You'll learn how to be a disciple (grow), who makes disciples (minister), who makes more disciples (lead). Start your disciplemaking adventure now.
1. Developing and Following Through on a Personal
Growth Plan .......................................................................5
2. The Struggle for Sexual Purity—and Our Ministries ..15
3. Getting Intentional about Accountability .....................27
4. Time Management for Painfully Pooped-Out People
in the Church....................................................................45
5. Sharpening Your Ministry Axe .......................................57
6. Church Would Be Great if It Weren’t for People..........67
7. Why Volunteers in the Church Often Dislike Meetings
and What You Can Do about It.......................................77
8. Creating a Cyber Prayer Base ........................................87
9. Making Teaching Memorable .........................................97
10. Conquering the Curriculum Conundrum....................105
1.5 Sharpen My Ministry Axe: Grow Minister, Lead!
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