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2024 C.A.T. Group Order

Time is TBD


Online via Academic Excellence

We are placing a group order for the California Achievement Test in order to get a discount.

2024 C.A.T. Group Order
2024 C.A.T. Group Order

Time & Location

Time is TBD

Online via Academic Excellence


About the event

We are placing a group order to purchase CAT exams for our yearly testing.

If you want you can order a practice test to have your students take online in advance, there is not a paper version of the practice test.

It took about 3 months to gather enough orders for our first order but we anticipate that is will be a faster process this time as we have already been through it. We will still need participants to help spread the word so we can reach our goal.

When registering you will need to select the number of tests you want to purchase and what type of test you want for each student.  (Timed or untimed, online or paper.) 

Tests never expire, so you can order extra tests if you would like to use them in the future. Each test will be connected to the student you order the test for, however this can be easily changed by emailing Academic Excellence if you want to change the grade or student connected with the test. We are facilitating the group purchase of the tests and cannot provide assistance in making changes to your Academic Excellence account. This account will be connected with the email you provide in your purchase registration.

You will have to fill out a registration form for each test you purchase.  You will give the student name and grade of each test.  It is reccomended to test for the next grade. For example, if your student is finishing 4th grade you will choose 5th grade for your test. Tests start at 2nd grade to be used by students completing 1st grade. Please take a moment and double check the name, email address and grade selected for each test you order. This is the information we will be sending to Academic Excellence.

You will be emailed the code for the online tests. Please be aware that the email with your login info for the online tests will come from Academic Excellence, not from us and may go directly to your spam or promotions folder, so be sure to add to your address book so it comes to your inbox. We will email you with an update once the order is placed to remind you to watch for the email from Academic Excellence.

If you prefer the paper CAT, you will need to mail the completed CAT into Academic Excellence to have it graded.

If you select paper, you have 2 options. You can choose to have the paper test mailed to you by selecting the 'ship to me' option and it will be mailed to you after we recieve them. If you don't want to pay for shipping, you can choose 'pick-up, no shipping' and pick up the test in Minnetonka. We will email you once we receive the tests to arrange for pick up.

We are also placing an order for teacher and student IDs. If you want to order IDs, we will send you a follow up email with the details so you can personalize your IDs. You can select to pick up or you can pay for shipping to have your ID shipped to you. The IDs will be for the 24-25 school year and have the Arrow Kids Academy logo. You can use your teacher ID at many local businesses for teacher discounts.


  • CAT Online Timed Test

    This is for the online timed version of the California Achievement Test.

    +$0.35 service fee
  • CAT Online Untimed

    This is for the online untimed version of the California Achievement Test.

    +$0.35 service fee
  • CAT Paper Version

    This is for the paper version of the California Achievement Test. If you select test only the postage is included in the cost and it will be mailed to you.

    From $15.00 to $21.00
    Sold Out
    • $21.00
      +$0.53 service fee
    • $15.00
      +$0.38 service fee
    • Online CAT Practice Test

      This registration is for the online CAT practice test, you will receive an email to use the test once we place the group order.

      +$0.13 service fee
    • Teacher ID card

      This registration is for teacher ID cards. You will receive an email with instructions to order your ID card. You need to select pick up (in Minnetonka) or shipping and it will be mailed to you.

      From $5.00 to $6.00
      • $5.00
        +$0.13 service fee
      • $6.00
        +$0.15 service fee
      • Student ID card

        This registration is for student ID cards. You will receive an email with instructions to order your ID card. Please select if you will pick up your ID card in Minnetonka or if you want it shipped to you.

        From $5.00 to $6.00
        • $5.00
          +$0.13 service fee
        • $6.00
          +$0.15 service fee



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